Bay Area Winter Solstice 2021

post by mingyuan · 2021-09-07T20:11:56.648Z · ? · GW · 1 comments


1 comment

Join us on Sunday, December 12th to celebrate humanity and reflect on our place in the universe. We'll sing songs, hear speeches, and appreciate the fact that we can gather together in person. 

Tickets are pay-what-you-want, and are available on Eventbrite.

– Doors open at 6 PM.
– Dinner will be served from 6:00 to 7:15.
– The performance starts at 7:30 and will last approximately two hours.
Official afterparty at 1001 Winsor Ave, Oakland

We ask that attendees be fully vaccinated, and in accordance with county law, we will be requiring guests to wear masks when not eating. Fully vaccinated means that, by November 28th, you will have had 2 or more shots of [any combination of] Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, or AstraZeneca. Verified recovery from COVID counts as one dose.

Please submit your proof of vaccination using this Google Form. We'll also be accepting proof of vaccination at the door, but things will run much more smoothly if everyone fills out the form in advance.

If the seven-day rolling average of daily new cases in Alameda County is over 200 any day this week, we will require all attendees to test themselves the day of the event. It was 130 on 12/5 and 103 on 12/4.


Catering will be provided by Best Coast Burritos. There will be vegan, vegetarian, lactose-free, and gluten-free options. We will NOT be accommodating keto, low-FODMAP, low-sodium, allergies, or any other restrictions not listed above. If you have any of these restrictions, or if you don't like Mexican food, please plan to eat beforehand or bring your own food!


Parents with children who are too young to sit through a two-hour performance without being disruptive are welcome to leave their children in the kids room during the performance. Childcare will be provided for free. The performance will also be livestreamed to the kids room, if you prefer to stay with your child.


See the Facebook event to RSVP or for more info


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by mingyuan · 2021-12-06T19:01:46.143Z · ? · GW

Solstice is in less than a week and there are still plenty of tickets left! They're available on Eventbrite and can be purchased for as little as $1!