Fiction Pitches

post by Tristan H (Kythe) · 2022-05-20T22:47:12.390Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

On Tuesday May 24th I'll be running a meetup on pitches for fiction you think the rest of the group might be interested in! I plan to pitch a bunch of my favorite stories from the genre of fiction with unusually thoughtful characters and antagonists as well as coherent and novel worldbuilding. You bring your own ideas of stories to pitch as well as second other people's recommendations. Pitches are expected to be improvised and talk about what made you like a story, what's special about it, and what kind of person you think might particularly like or dislike it.

Come and hear my answer to what the most embarrassing fiction I wholeheartedly endorse is, which story is the best therapy-fic, or what you might want to read next if you liked Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality or Worm.

=== WHEN+WHERE ===

7:00pm Tuesday, May 24th

New location in NoHo (Join the mailing list at and say you came from LessWrong to access the post with the address)


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