Estimates of COVID risk rankings for different activities when together with people in the same household?

post by nonzerosum · 2020-04-29T01:13:33.911Z · LW · GW · No comments

This is a question post.


  If you're in the same household as someone or visiting a family member's house for multiple hours e.g. for dinner, should you assume you'll get what they have and vice versa, or is spread far from guaranteed? And what are the most important things to avoid with extended visits/visitors?
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My questions in this thread may be relevant to people with roommates, or people who are visiting a small number of friends or family in person, but who want to still minimize risk.

I've seen and liked:

Here are some questions I have based on situations I'm running into most frequently:

And of course all of these would be estimates.

My biggest overall questions are:

These questions are meaningful because right now I'm in the spot where our shared desire for human interaction has us going to one family member's house for a couple hours a couple times a week, but where my fear of getting sick (from one of them that's either asymptomatic or early before they realize) is high enough that I'm being a germaphobe while there (though I'm not willing to ask them to wear masks, basically I'm just doing the stuff where the burden is on me not them), while at the same time wishing I knew if it was worth being a germaphobe or whether all my efforts are moot anyway.

If you're in the same household as someone or visiting a family member's house for multiple hours e.g. for dinner, should you assume you'll get what they have and vice versa, or is spread far from guaranteed? And what are the most important things to avoid with extended visits/visitors?


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