
What do you expect AI capabilities may look like in 2028? 2024-08-23T16:59:53.007Z
What are your favorite posts, podcast episodes, and recorded talks, on AI timelines, or factors that would influence AI timelines? 2023-11-02T22:42:48.234Z
Is there a LessWrong-adjacent place to hire freelancers/seek freelance work? 2023-04-02T16:39:49.659Z
What are some smaller-but-concrete challenges related to AI safety that are impacting people today? 2022-06-13T17:36:40.896Z
Who is available for contract work? (A la the Hacker News "Who Wants To Be Hired" threads) 2022-05-20T23:59:55.735Z
Thought experiment: Imagine you were assigned to help a random person in your community become as peaceful and joyful as the most peaceful and joyful person you'd ever met. What would you try? 2022-05-09T13:53:57.161Z
What do you believe are the most critical open questions/hypotheses that could inform a more effective COVID response? 2020-05-12T17:46:40.175Z
COVID-19 estimated test detection windows for IgG, IgM and nasal PCR tests 2020-05-11T22:39:54.707Z
Avoiding coronavirus spread from family members, roommates, extended family and close friends 2020-05-11T22:38:11.683Z
Since the "Will COVID-19 survivors suffer lasting disability at a high rate?" thread was posted, has new information emerged that may update those estimates? 2020-04-29T21:40:12.089Z
List of prompts for brainstorming COVID response project ideas 2020-04-29T21:39:07.966Z
Estimates of COVID risk rankings for different activities when together with people in the same household? 2020-04-29T01:13:33.911Z


Comment by nonzerosum on What do you expect AI capabilities may look like in 2028? · 2024-08-24T20:04:32.444Z · LW · GW

Can you define what AGI means to you in concrete observable terms? Will it concretely be an app that runs on a computer and does white collar jobs, or something else? 

Comment by nonzerosum on Peter's COVID Consolidated Brief - 29 Apr · 2020-04-29T19:09:48.258Z · LW · GW

This is fantastic, thanks. My only wish is that it was more often, ideally weekly or 2x per week for now and then decreasing in frequency as the situation becomes more stable. This is because with it coming out less often and there being lots of seemingly significant news in the meantime, I still feel the need to stay up to date - but I think if I knew something of this quality and comprehensiveness was coming out often I wouldn't. If it was subscription only, I'm pretty sure I'd pay for it, too - though that's probably not a good thing as it'd reduce the number that can benefit.