Los Angeles Rationality / Portland EAR / Bay Area Rationalists (Sunday, October 30th)
post by koreindian, SmokeAndMirrors, pax perplexus · 2022-10-25T09:15:44.223Z · ? · GW · 0 commentsContents
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Los Angeles Rationality, Portland EAs and Rationalists, and Bay Area Rationalists are putting on a joint online event for members of both meetup to meet each other and have fun conversations.
On Gathertown: https://app.gather.town/app/sSKu8JknmlUHtc8l/losangelesrationality?spawnToken=vBVdyt1F0VQh7lf_

Schedule (Pacific Time):
12:45PM - 1:00PM - Online check-in.
1:00PM - 3:00PM - Socializing.
3:00PM - 3:10PM - Group Wrap up.
We'll be hanging out on a Gathertown server together. We have set up dedicated areas for different types of conversations.
Click on the gathertown link and create an avatar. Join the space. You'll be dropped into an "all hands" room. Navigate over to one of the seats. Vishal, Sam, and Max will give a brief address to the room. Then we'll move over to the common area where we have set up tables to talk about specific labeled topics. At 3PM, we'll meet back in the all hands room to do a brief wrap up.
Please RSVP on the LessWrong event (https://www.lesswrong.com/events/mwtfECwnjgxgoyGHs/los-angeles-rationality-portland-ear-bay-area-rationalists [? · GW]). RSVPs are not required, but they help for estimating how much server capacity we should reserve.
Contact: The best way to contact me (or anybody else who is attending the meetup) is through the LAR Discord. Feel free to message Vishal. Invitation link: https://discord.gg/TaYjsvN
PEAR Links:
1. Meetup: https://meetu.ps/e/LvzYn/tBP5c/i
2. Discord: https://discord.gg/dw8YNTpMew
Los Angeles Rationality Links:
1. https://lesswrong.com/groups/GSN7BypgiJcjEiRRS
2. https://losangelesrationality.com/
Bay Area Rationalists Links:
1. Discord: https://discord.gg/PyhZQbdP76
2. http://www.bayrationality.com/
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