Dallas August Discussion Group

post by ethanmorse · 2022-08-02T23:53:53.157Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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The theme is creative social game design. We would split into small teams, choose a specific social game format (ideas below) to design, and then regroup and play those games!

Game format ideas:

You or your team will be responsible for the full design of the game. For example, is it played with teams or individuals? What does winning entail? Do all participate or does it exclude you as the host? If it proves to be a hit, we would of course reuse the format for future meetups.

Tentative schedule:

5-530: pizza social; Q&A regarding the game design

530-630: independent design

630-8: group play

As always, please RSVP to help us with logistics (like how much pizza to order!).


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