Evolution and FDT

post by Tristan H (Kythe) · 2022-11-11T19:41:57.379Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

On Tuesday November 15th I'll be running a meetup on the ways in which evolution has instilled instincts in us which outperform at a societal level the results from traditional game theory, and how fancier decision theories like Functional Decision Theory can help us understand those instincts and perhaps even outperform them.

This will be a combination presentation discussion where I'll introduce various ideas and we'll talk about each:

Hope to see you there!

=== WHEN+WHERE ===

7:00pm Tuesday, November 15th

New location in NoHo (Join the mailing list at https://groups.google.com/g/overcomingbiasnyc and say you came from LessWrong to access the post with the address)


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