Riga EA/ACX 17 March 2025 - career thoughts

post by Anastasia (anastasia) · 2025-02-19T10:22:56.256Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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The vague topic of this meeting will be how you're thinking about your career, what you've decided are the most important and you-specific things about it, etc. It would be great if you could share any posts / books / podcasts that have influenced how you think about it.

We'll gather at MiiT from 19:00 onward for a free-form discussion. Attendance hovers around 6-9 people. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, or don't feel like you know enough about EA/ACX, even if you didn't come to the previous meetings, etc., etc.

Contact: riga.acx@gmail.com


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