Another cooperative rationality exercise
post by Richard_Kennaway · 2012-04-25T13:21:29.161Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 2 commentsContents
I don't know how well this is going to work, but I mention it here because it's actually going to be done in a few weeks time at a day-long meeting of the research group that I work with. (Not my idea. I don't know which of us thought it up.)
Keyword game: explaining a scientific term. Everyone puts a keyword used in their project (for example, "Selective Sweep") into a hat. For each keyword in turn, get someone who does not understand the keyword to explain what they think it might mean. They can then be enlightened by the people who know (of which there should be at least one!).
This is to be done in groups of four, and afterwards, the groups reassemble and each group presents its newly understood keyword meanings to the main group.
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by Luke_A_Somers · 2012-04-25T15:57:14.441Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
This seems like an utterly awful idea, because the first thing that people attach to the term - and thus most likely to remember - will likely be wrong.
Replies from: Manfred