Appealing to the Public

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-10-23T19:00:07.669Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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Let's say you run a non-profit, and you and some of your co-workers are there for EA reasons. The EA Forum is going to be hosting a Marginal Funding Week and you're trying to decide whether to post an appeal. How do you decide whether you're ready to raise funds from the EA community?

At a high level, I think you should go ahead if you can explain what you'd do with the money and are willing to share the details that will let people determine if your overall case is strong enough. As a community I think we should generally have higher standards for projects that have been running longer, and for ones trying to raise larger amounts of money.

New projects, both in the for-profit and non-profit world, generally get off the ground with the engagement of a small number of funders who are comfortable with the risk-reward tradeoffs of early-stage work. Sometimes these funders are highly engaged and provide advice and connections, other times they're giving some start-up funds and hoping it works out, but either way they're taking a substantial risk of failure on each bet in the hope of getting some hits.

In the for-profit world societies worry that most people not being sufficiently sophisticated to make this kind of investment, and generally draw some sort of line between accredited investors (who can be assumed to know the risks they're taking with early-stage ventures) and the rest of us (who might be dazzled into putting our life savings into a scam). To sell your stock to the general public you need to first disclose a lot of information about your business: detailed financial statements, risks, what you'll do with the money, etc.

The non-profit world is pretty different: while you do have to make some limited information public, the disclosure requirements are relatively minimal. There's no obligation to share facts that a reasonable donor would want to consider.

While I wouldn't advocate extending public-company-level regulation to the non-profit world, this is a place where the EA community has historically tried to shift norms in the direction of more transparency, and I think we should continue to do this:

So I like the for-profit approach as a model. Early in the life of your project you have a small number of high-context funders where you can put time into each funding relationship. As you scale, you "go public" and start also raising money from people you're not going to have conversations with. When taking that step I would like to see orgs generally providing details about what people can expect if they give you money.

The things I'd most like to see in public funding requests are:

Additionally, it's pretty valuable to also share:

If you're not ok including this information in your funding request, or at least answering these and similar questions as they come up in the comments, then it's worth considering whether you're in a good position to solicit funds from the community.

Another consideration in making a public request for funding is that by putting your org out there like this you're opening yourself up to more criticism. Asking the EA community for funding is, in some sense, quite audacious: it's a claim that your organization is one of the very best ways to turn money into a better world. That's a high bar and the EA community can be a critical group! I think on balance EA's critical outlook is positive: if I make what I think is a solid and relatively complete case for my work, and other people who've thought hard about how to make the world better don't think it measures up, that certainly hurts, but it's an important check. The history of non-profit work includes many people who've overestimated the value of their work and would have been able to have much more impact if they'd taken a different approach.

On the other hand, it's easier to criticize than than do, and it's important to nurture transparency by recognizing when people are sharing information they could have kept internal. It's important to recognize that there are real people with feelings behind each organization, who in many cases have poured a substantial portion of themselves into these vessels for positive change. We need the critical side of our culture to keep us focused on impact, but we need to balance it with empathy, kindness, and a sense that we're on one big team pulling together.

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