San Francisco ACX Meetup “First Saturday”
post by Nate Sternberg (nate-sternberg), Andrew Gaul (andrew gaul) · 2025-02-23T21:02:28.922Z · ? · GW · 0 commentsContents
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Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm PT
Address: Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco, just outside the Metreon food court, coordinates 37°47'04.4"N 122°24'11.1"W
Come join San Francisco’s First Saturday ACX meetup. Whether you're an avid reader, a first time reader, or just a curious soul, come meet! We will make introductions, talk about a recent ACX article, and veer off into whatever topic you’d like to discuss. You can get food from one of the many neighboring restaurants.
We relocate inside the food court if there is inclement weather, or too much noise/music outside.
I will carry a stuffed-animal rat to help you identify the group. You can let me know you are coming by either RSVPing on LW or sending an email to, or you can also just show up!
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