February Meetup – Theories of the Rise in Obesity

post by shaneebert · 2022-01-29T02:33:08.495Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

NOTE: Due to the increased possibility of a breakthrough infection due to the omicron variant, please consider testing shortly before the meetup whether you are vaccinated or not.

(Please note that the gym is a little cooler in the winter, so you may want to bring layers just in case.)

For this meetup, we'll be discussing theories explaining the rise in obesity.

One such theory is the contamination theory, which proposes that the large increase in obesity seen in the industrialized world since 1950 is largely caused by contaminants in our food and water. There has been a very dramatic increase in obesity since the 1950s that has accelerated since 1970. In the 1800s the average U.S. man weighed 155lbs (70kg) while today in 2022 he weighs 195lbs (88kg). One possible explanation is that we evolved for an environment without widely available high calorie foods and now eat too much of them. This theory instead suggests that contamination is a larger cause. A summary of the argument can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xg98H6Vebg, and a more detail argument here: https://slimemoldtimemold.com/2021/07/07/a-chemical-hunger-part-i-mysteries/

Some discussion of other theories:

We'll be meeting here, on Saturday February 5 at 2 PM:

South Loop Strength & Conditioning (upstairs in the mezzanine; text me at 608-436-1809 for issues)
645 S Clark St, Chicago, IL 60605

We also had a request to offer an option to connect via Zoom, so we're going to try that. We can't guarantee that it will work super smoothly, but hopefully it will be okay.

Meeting ID: 981 2837 6324
Passcode: 407005



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