Tallinn – ACX Meetups Everywhere Spring 2024

post by Andrew W (andrew w) · 2024-03-30T11:21:28.125Z · ? · GW · 1 comments


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This year's Spring ACX Meetup everywhere in Tallinn.

Location: Tops, Soo 15, Kalamaja. I'll bring a sign, hopefully. – https://plus.codes/9GF6CPWQ+8H

Contact: andrew_n_west@yahoo.co.uk


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comment by Andrew · 2024-04-12T14:21:52.007Z · ? · GW

Tere kõigile - several of us know each other already from past events, but if you're new and I've failed to bring an obvious sign:  I reserved a table for 8 on the non-DJ side of Tops.  I am a mid 40s Englishman with a beard, a suit, and a book.  See you all tomorrow!