Potential Future People

post by Tristan H (Kythe) · 2022-08-19T20:27:04.043Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

On Tuesday August 23rd I'll be running a meetup on the question of how to value the lives of potential future people. Basically inspired by this Cold Takes blog post: https://www.cold-takes.com/debating-myself-on-whether-extra-lives-lived-are-as-good-as-deaths-prevented/

You don't need to read the blog post first to come, although you can, I'll go over the gist of the arguments and then we can discuss the different arguments for and against whether making potential future people more likely to exist and live good lives is a compelling cause for altruism.

Join the Google Group for info about the location, it's at a group apartment in FiDi.


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