LW/ACX/EA Seattle summer meetup

post by Nikita Sokolsky (nikita-sokolsky) · 2022-06-24T23:30:31.366Z · ? · GW · 2 comments

I'm setting up a summer "Schelling" meetup for Rationality/LW/ACX readers. In other words, if you're only planning to attend one Rationality event this summer, you should come to this event. If you're fuzzy on what "Rationality" is, check out: https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/rationalist-movement [? · GW]

Location: Volunteer Park, near the amphitheater just north of the reservoir. I'll have an "ACX MEETUP" sign. Exact location: https://what3words.com////value.shapes.tracks. If you can't find us, you can give me a call at 206-458-4791.

We will have:
1. A table
2. A few chairs
3. Blankets
4. Free pizza and soft drinks
5. A couple of board games

Everyone is more than welcome to bring more of the above -- but its okay to come empty handed! There's no set schedule to the event, this is an unstructured conversation meetup.

The meeting will run until about 9pm or whenever it gets too dark. We might go to a bar in Cap Hill afterwards if there's enough interest.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Nikita Sokolsky (nikita-sokolsky) · 2022-08-04T05:22:41.965Z · ? · GW

Thanks for coming! Please fill out a short survey if you have a moment: https://forms.gle/WDHS9Z2dvgoM7iCg9

comment by Nikita Sokolsky (nikita-sokolsky) · 2022-08-03T17:42:05.820Z · ? · GW

Weather is nearly perfect, so the event is definitely happening today. I'll be wearing a black jacket and a grey shirt.