Navigating the Ethical and Alignment Challenges of Developing Open-Source AI for Landscape Architecture in a Big Tech-Dominated World

post by SimonLOLAland · 2024-08-29T17:17:32.631Z · LW · GW · 1 comment

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Hello everyone,

As part of a collaborative initiative involving designers, researchers, and journalists, we are delving into the potential of AI within landscape architecture, particularly for fields that prioritize sustainability, ecological balance, and community-driven values.

One of the pressing concerns we face is the dominant role of Big Tech companies in AI development, which often focuses on profit-driven goals. We are exploring how less commercially-driven fields like landscape architecture can build their own AI systems that are open-source, ethically aligned, and focused on promoting values such as environmental sustainability, community collaboration, and cultural preservation.

Given this context, we would greatly appreciate insights and discussions around the following:

We believe there is a crucial need to develop AI that serves broader societal and environmental goals rather than just optimizing for efficiency or cost. We would love to hear your thoughts, strategic advice, or any resources you can share on this topic.

Thank you in advance for your valuable insights.

Best regards,


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comment by lsusr · 2024-08-30T19:27:42.070Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Is this written by AI?