

Comment by 9ixiPeLGk on Sam Altman's sister claims Sam sexually abused her · 2023-11-18T03:54:22.562Z · LW · GW

It's hard to know if any of the information is true, but starting with the lowest hanging fruit:

Why insist she needs to be on Zoloft to receive the money from her father's will?

It does seem like a type of economic abuse not give her financial stability or insist on certain terms for it.

Sexually abused or not, she is not well if she has to do survival sex work. Why not provide her with modest financial stability with no strings attached, it can't be worse than the situation she is in now.

It's hard to see where Sam Altman is coming from on this when he helped create technology that may necessitate universal basic income. It seems like a contradiction, and that it's more about controlling her.

If the father's will has factually been withheld, it makes me raise an eyebrow.