
Establishing a Connection (Ch. 5-8) 2024-08-23T17:38:42.743Z
Establishing a Connection (Ch 21-22) 2024-08-06T19:21:33.054Z
Establishing a Connection (Ch 17-20) 2024-07-23T21:56:48.122Z
Establishing a Connection (Ch 13-16) 2024-07-17T23:56:23.069Z
Establishing a Connection (Ch. 9-12) 2024-07-17T23:49:25.696Z
Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) 2024-07-15T22:48:04.729Z


Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) · 2024-08-22T01:04:58.568Z · LW · GW

Gonna try to break this up into 0-4 and 5-8 without breaking the Sequence, while also inserting the edits.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) · 2024-08-18T15:38:48.135Z · LW · GW

Edits for readability and to crank Jack's jerk level from 11 to 13.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 9-12) · 2024-08-17T02:13:10.849Z · LW · GW

Fixed multiple instances of truly terrible writing in Chapter 8. It somehow dodged edits in earlier passes.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch 13-16) · 2024-08-16T18:41:06.878Z · LW · GW

Substantive edits to Chapter 16 to hopefully improve readability and flow.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch 21-22) · 2024-08-07T16:37:33.481Z · LW · GW

Just realized I put the wrong chapter numbers in the heading, fixed.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch 17-20) · 2024-08-01T03:07:44.403Z · LW · GW

Next few chapters are need serious edits; probably only going to be posting two at a time from now on.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch 13-16) · 2024-07-20T17:17:16.255Z · LW · GW

The poker game idea came directly from ideas on this forum and a Lex Fridman podcast.  It's on the to-do list to ramp up the tension in that scene a little bit more, but the idea of Alain freaking out during a very low-stakes game for diagnostic purposes amused me.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch 13-16) · 2024-07-20T00:16:04.641Z · LW · GW

Considering moving this to Substack or Medium, but will probably leave this here for a while to see if there's interest.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 9-12) · 2024-07-18T01:51:59.603Z · LW · GW

The "infinite promise" of the early MMO era was a big part of the inspiration for the story, mixed with the early Twitch era.

Also, an exploration of what early "AI coworkers" might be like, somewhere between a piece of infrastructure and a person.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) · 2024-07-16T20:51:16.914Z · LW · GW

Trying to figure out how to link the next set of chapters to this post in a sequence.

EDIT: Think I figured it out!

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) · 2024-07-16T14:35:40.485Z · LW · GW

Going to try to publish more chapters soon, converting from Word formatting is slightly cumbersome.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Establishing a Connection (Ch. 0-4) · 2024-07-16T01:21:40.525Z · LW · GW

the constant stream of nautical puns will make much more sense the further deeper you go.

Comment by a littoral wizard on LessWrong's (first) album: I Have Been A Good Bing · 2024-06-14T00:04:20.153Z · LW · GW

I feel foolish for not realizing this song was based on a longer blog post that I should have previously been aware of.

Comment by a littoral wizard on LessWrong's (first) album: I Have Been A Good Bing · 2024-06-07T01:38:56.878Z · LW · GW

While the rest of the tracks are fantastic for the memes alone, "Half An Hour Before Dawn In San Francisco" feels legitimately profound.  It reminds me of the Gernsback Continuum.

Comment by a littoral wizard on Open Thread – Winter 2023/2024 · 2024-03-08T00:02:16.583Z · LW · GW


I'm an IT consultant who works very closely with an innovative AI-driven product.  Or, to cut the bullshit, I help deploy and integrate customer service platforms filled to the brim with those very chatbots that annoy endless customers daily.

But that's just my day job.  I'm working on a novel (or perhaps a piece of serialized fiction) that just might have silicon shoggoths in it.  That's the kind of content the local fauna enjoys, right?  It's a little too satirical to be entirely rational, but some recent twitter-chatter out of this community has me convinced that I might have tapped into the right zeitgeists.

Looking for some tips on posting fiction here.  Just one long nested thread of chapters?  Or is there a better way to do it?