

Comment by Adam Bricknell (adam-bricknell) on Which activities do you prefer to better recover productivity? · 2021-06-01T18:53:11.939Z · LW · GW

Any exercise: generally bound to set length of time or distance (reps/lengths/miles/etc). Ideal lunch break fodder

Walk around block: not that interesting but a good break

Meditation: not as in-your-face restorative as exercise but still good

Cook something 

If co-working: organise breaks to chat (pomodoro or some other schedule). I find virtual co-working, ie video chat with friends or Focusmate/Ultraworking with strangers, is good really effective when working from home (more so with friends than strangers). 

Comment by Adam Bricknell (adam-bricknell) on The Practice & Virtue of Discernment · 2021-05-27T13:22:36.522Z · LW · GW

Agreed on GS being on the opaque side! 

Best thing I've read is Language in Thought and Action by Hayakawa. I found it explained the concepts much more clearly than Koryzbski's writings. 

Drive Yourself Sane is meant to be an intro to GS and has good reviews. I can't remember much of it as read it >7 years ago, however I recall it didn't do as much for me as Hayakawa's book

Comment by Adam Bricknell (adam-bricknell) on The Practice & Virtue of Discernment · 2021-05-26T09:08:20.621Z · LW · GW

This reminds me of the Ladder of Abstraction in General Semantics: moving up the levels of abstraction to talk about things in general, and moving down to clarify the details that make up each generalisation