

Comment by alanhodg on The Landmark Forum — a rationalist's first impression · 2011-06-04T04:56:05.216Z · LW · GW

There are some blatently uninformed and simplistic comments on here and on Landmark - hardly "rational" from what I can (briefly) see. Most of these are from people who haven't attended and many are legacies (eg. "cult" hangover) are from the old Est training, which was run very differently to how it is run now. For the record, there are no limitations to bathroom breaks. Nor, in reality, the meal breaks - it is an intensive curriculum (for many reasons) and you are encouraged to not miss any of it, but if you want to go home and have a siesta, nothing stops you and no-one will really know or care.

"Independent research" (published on Landmark's site) shows 80% or so of people attending the Forum (The introductory course) reckon it is life-transforming and the best thing they have done in their lives. I have witnessed this in action and the impact on other people's lives, as well as my very confused 16yo daughter, so I can vouch for the substance of that statement.

If nothing else, that should make people sit up, take note, have a look if it is for them rather than making uninformed and simplistic comments - it is always easier to be cynical than to be positive. Landmark may just help some of those cynics if they we willing to get off the keyboards and have a genuine look.