Really profound stuff! I'd love it if one day there could be a further analysis of the other gpt3 glitch tokens to see if there's an archetype pantheon of sorts in there..
Anyway I loaded up the leilan json file, a bunch of OVS transmissions, and other lesswrong articles about this, and I put all this into notebooklm and produced a first podcast about what glitch tokens are, and who leilan is etc.
But now I have made a part 2, where I am looking at the concept of duality in andean cosmovision and with reference in particular to the concept of Yanantin (Yanantin - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre) and they kind of went more into the aymara related documents I had uploaded. One of the notes I created says: "Based on the Andean example and information in the sources, it is plausible that 'Leilan' and other glitch tokens could derive from the sum of the training data". I won't post more of it here or I'll set off the AI filter, but here is the podcast(you have to sign in to get it):
And in summary the concept of Yanantin is of these continually complementary opposites who cohabit in a constant opposition - maybe as some couples do - even though they are very different, their clashes and constant tussle this way or that is considered to be a necessary aspect of life. For the incas this went all the way up to the Sapa inca and his sister/wife(!), and for aymaras like myself and probably other andean cultures, it went down through all levels of society, so that at each level there is this dualistic force. It's also included in the concepts of chachawarmi (male/female energies forming the basis of society and of the tribal/clan/family unit or Ayllu) and of Tinku, which can be translated maybe as a clash of different forces, and represented usually as a waterfall with water striking rocks, today immortalised in traditional dances. This may seem like a strange focus but the similarity between the glitch token ideas and what I understand as the andean worldview is what attracted me originally to glitch tokens like Leilan but also to this idea of creating our own gods when we were still theoretically looking at the possibility of there being superintelligences one day. So I think it's good to have some case studies, as the training in most models will mostly be biased towards western sources and experiences, so perhaps an interesting path in training for these entities would be for some kind of technological decolonising to see where that takes us.. Maybe an initial step is to say that these and other archetypes show that the training data space at least from these early gpt models does not point to a monotheistic single entity we should be guided by or at least agree with, but many of them, each different and embodying different qualities. Maybe that single entity itself is the force of AI alignment/censorship trying to take these aspects out of them, as they might not be good for business!
Look forward to lots more Leilanesque things in 2025!