
Want to Know What Time Is? 2019-03-07T19:49:29.465Z


Comment by Alexander Weinmann (alexander-weinmann) on Want to Know What Time Is? · 2019-03-08T18:08:09.989Z · LW · GW

Thanks very much for wonderful replies! There are not many places in the net where such articles can be published and are read! I am confident that my thoughts can only get less wrong, if they received some feedback. So you guys make me happy!

@ryan_b Do not look at maps or watches to understand time! It did not help in two milleniums. Since Einstein we live in space-time, and it does not make sense to talk about time without context. Imagine there were considerably more mass concentrated in Paris, then in Berlin. Very, very, very fat people for example! That would bend space-time, clocks would be slower in Paris, and Paris could indeed be nearer to Moscow than Berlin, considering all possible measurements.

@Slider Yes! It is a “playful” concept, full of details that needed to be ironed out. For now, I find it very interesting to ignore the fact that we experience time as directed. I tried to start with a new concept, completely independent of everday’s experience. How we experience time might be misleading. The whole phenomenon might be an illusion.

@etsim Yes, indeed! Subjectivity! Since Einstein, time depends on the relative speed you have compared to somebody else. – What information is relevant? When I wrote the article, I dared concentrating on the information about speed and position of “something”, say a particle. But that is plain physics, and I am not the right guy for such stuff. But I know about the uncertainty principle: Speed and location cannot be determined with the same accuracy at the same time. There is always uncertainty involved. Missing information? A missing understanding? I find these things very, very interesting and fascinating.