

Comment by alxbbu on Newsom Vetoes SB 1047 · 2024-10-01T16:29:18.536Z · LW · GW

I've been following Zvi's coverage on SB 1047 and I don't think I have a good understanding of why large companies like OpenAI and Meta are so against it. I don't understand why they would spend so much capital to even get Nanci Pelosi to oppose it. I can't find a good source for describing their opposition. Obviously we can't trust what the companies themselves are saying because as Zvi has pointed out they're mostly distorting the facts or making bogus claims.

But beyond the public PR there probably still are actual reasons why they oppose it so strongly - my assumption is that:
- SB 1047 will force large AI companies to guide large model development and "safety certification" in a way that would sound good to non-technical users reading media headlines. So this would end up having model development have a large PR but technically useless aspect to it. 
- SB 1047 will be a compliance nightmare where large companies will have to add significant friction in model development and "safety" for not much real-world benefit to what they think they would be doing anyway.

Anyone have a source for a good analysis on what large companies are actually against this?