
How Do You Interpret the Goal of LessWrong and Its Community? 2025-01-16T19:08:43.749Z


Comment by ashen8461 on How Do You Interpret the Goal of LessWrong and Its Community? · 2025-01-16T21:13:20.048Z · LW · GW

Thank you for your response. On reflection, I realize my original question was unclear. At its core is an intuition about the limits of critical thinking for the average person. If this intuition is valid, I believe some members of the community should, rationally, behave differently. While this kind of perspective doesn't seem uncommon, I feel its implications may not be fully considered. I also didn’t realize how much this intuition influenced my thinking when writing the question. My thoughts on this are still unclear, and I remain uncertain about some of the underlying assumptions, so I won’t argue for it here.

Apologies for the confusion. I no longer endorse my question.