

Comment by Barr Detwix (barr-detwix) on Orienting to 3 year AGI timelines · 2025-01-13T11:47:04.182Z · LW · GW

Nuclear warnings have been overused a little by some actors in the past, such that there's a credible risk of someone calling the bluff and continuing research in secrecy, knowing that they will certainly get another warning first, and not immediately a nuclear response.

If you have intelligence that indicates secret ASI research but the other party denies, at which point do you fire the nukes?
I expect they would be fired too late, with many months of final warnings before.

Comment by barr-detwix on [deleted post] 2023-05-05T19:56:11.896Z

This may have an obvious response, but I can't quite see it: If the worst possible thing is a negligible change, an easily achievable state, shouldn't an AGI want to work to prevent that catastrophic risk? Couldn't this cause terribly conflicting priorities?

If there is a minor thing that the AGI despises above all, surely some joker will make a point of trying to see what happens when they instruct their local copy of Marsupial-51B to perform the random inconsequential action.

It might be tempting to try to compromise on utopia to avoid a strong risk of the literal worst possible thing.

Apologies if there's a reason why this is obviously not a concern :)