

Comment by Belac Hillcrest (belac-hillcrest) on Perhaps Try a Little Therapy, As a Treat? · 2024-09-07T04:12:47.034Z · LW · GW

How does dropping off covid tests lead to Ruchika calling the police on you? It feels like I'm missing something here. 

Comment by Belac Hillcrest (belac-hillcrest) on Perhaps Try a Little Therapy, As a Treat? · 2024-09-07T03:58:57.353Z · LW · GW

>> And they get blocked or yelled at every single time.

> Patently false.

Has there been a time recently where someone offered you feedback, and you changed your behavior? 

Comment by Belac Hillcrest (belac-hillcrest) on Perhaps Try a Little Therapy, As a Treat? · 2024-09-07T03:50:26.959Z · LW · GW

I know Caleb in real life, and I just want to remind people that he's not manic, or crazy. Please don't accuse him of these things. If you feel like he is, point to specific behaviors. Rather than say, "you tweet too much", say "These specific tweets are really fascinating, can you please explain <the context>?" People have been doing a good job in the comments, but I just wanted to offer this suggestion to improve the discourse. 

Also, he shared that he's into being degraded on his alt twitter account. So please don't be too mean.