

Comment by Brittany (brittany) on What hard science fiction stories also got the social sciences right? · 2020-09-28T05:42:17.418Z · LW · GW

The Three Body Problem (trilogy) by Liu Cixin is a masterful work that combines thoughtful hard science (the author is an engineer by training) with a keen political and sociological eye. Sociology is actually a core theme of the book, and the author goes so far as to define a "cosmic sociology" (I'm probably forgetting the actually term from the book, it's been a while since I finished reading). I can't recommend this author enough. The story is enthralling, the scientific and sociological predictions are delightful, surprising, and strikingly intuitive at the same time. I wouldn't place it is is merely a great sci-fi epic; it's truly an unparalleled work of literature and imagination.