Not everyone who is not having kids is doing it to free up time. Lots of children need homes and some of these communities have dreams to still have kids, which is given foster and adoptable children, places to go. Choices based on culture is not always obvious. Most people who are gay aren't thinking, oh the worlds over populated lets put our focus in something else, most people are discouraged from children due to experiences in life. For me, over population bothers me because I had a bad experience in life period, especially as a women growing up with women stereotypes as a homosexual culture emerges. A kind of disgust exists for the people that suffer and animals that suffer at the expense of too many humans but not enough people trying to better these humans or animals.
Not necessarily, but true as well. Good points, but gays, transgenders, and lesbians can now adopt children so they no longer have to produce their own offspring, which is the culprit to over population. I think the LGBTQ community is a much more humane response to over population then how we treat animals when they are over populated. I do think we are more over populated then the animals we try to "Control". Competing for more resources or having children compete for resources, there is no need to worry about extinction at the time because people have children each year. It isn't the only reason alone, but Bo Burnham makes a joke about God Sending gays to fix over population, but boy did that go well, and what would be the point of responding that way if it wasn't a response to something we may not be aware of. Simply saying people are born gay, is putting people in boxes in predetermined molds that no one wants to be put into, much like the articles pushing that sex offenders run in the genes, but that's not true. I think, why we treat them so poorly, nothing adds up, nature vs nurture, its complex and its more then just genetics. Maybe more feminine men are designed to produce girl offspring. Feminine men have a place in life, and masculine women have a place, that shouldnt have to determine their life or who they are going to be. We are over populated and there as too be some response to it.
I don't agree necessarily. People just blindly listen to what people say, I disagree, I don't think people are born gay. I do think overpopulation is a cause for potential for diverted stereotypes. If we are over populated why keep breeding at the same rate, seeing all the kids without homes is enough reason to make me want to be homosexual just saying. I think nothing is predefined completely. I think free will is at the end of the day stronger then any "Genetic Aspect", to the choices we made in life. I don't just blindly believe something, I ask questions, where there is smoke isn't fire a person once said. No , where there is smoke is questions waiting to be answered and a path never followed before. That is love and attraction. Its a vague term, I don't want anyone genes or not, science, culture, stereotypes, to tell me who I can love and who I can be attracted too. I am attracted to and love a gay guy, I have never found a guy more attractive, trans now. What is the definition of love, science can only explain so much. I am not confused, I know who I love and I chose to love that person because I have a free mind, where love is free.