

Comment by CharlieHorse on Lakewood, NJ – ACX Meetups Everywhere 2022 · 2022-10-23T15:05:47.579Z · LW · GW

Hey, is the event confirmed? Do you have a location?

Comment by CharlieHorse on Be more effective by learning important practical knowledge using flashcards · 2022-10-14T02:18:28.301Z · LW · GW


Thanks for posting the link. I will  give them a try,

I like the NATO phonetic alphabet deck. I use it a couple of times a week. Talk about bang for you buck.

Any other decks worth looking at?

Comment by CharlieHorse on Lakewood, NJ – ACX Meetups Everywhere 2022 · 2022-10-14T02:16:41.111Z · LW · GW
Comment by CharlieHorse on You Get About Five Words · 2022-02-03T20:52:16.450Z · LW · GW

Are you talking about Judaism? 

Comment by CharlieHorse on What Are Meetups Actually Trying to Accomplish? · 2018-04-10T04:51:04.074Z · LW · GW

"the rationality community would be well served by supplementing directly organized LW meetups with piggybacking off TM meetings:".

What's your initial reaction to the idea of a lesswrong toastmasters group?

Maybe the group would begin with regular toastmasters but also try to implement new ideas. Like for example, I imagine that in addition to public speaking a rationalist might want to work on their ability to communicate complicated stuff off the cuff. So for example there would be some interface. You would respond. The group would point out things you should optimize for in the future.

There might be a focus on things like

>quantifying results

>coming up with new techniques

>falsifying and recursively optimizing those techniques

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Comment by CharlieHorse on A LessWrong Crypto Autopsy · 2018-02-07T05:16:15.372Z · LW · GW

The hypotheis that there are plenty of uses for etherium is totally compatiable with the hypothesis that Etherium will say be worth 1/2 it's price in a year from now.

In other words, even if Etheriumn has a practical use case, it might very well be that the system is actually worth 20 billion or something (that is less than its current market cap). I'm not sure, do we actually know the maket cap that properly reflects the assumed uses?

Comment by CharlieHorse on A LessWrong Crypto Autopsy · 2018-02-07T05:08:24.884Z · LW · GW

Dude, no. You are assuming that because you beat the market one time, through crypto, that you can often do so. So then we need to ask ourselves, are the people who beat the market (with crypto) people that consistently beat the market before crypto?

In almost all cases the answer is no. This is a special case where lots of people who are otherwise not good at investing made lots of money. Beating the market in this unique case shouldn't suggest any ability to recursively beat the market.