

Comment by Cookie Factory (cookie-factory) on Does turning on the shower help reduce wildfire smoke in the air? · 2020-09-13T03:35:48.425Z · LW · GW

The bracing freshness associated with post-thunderstorm air is often attributed to negative ions. Incidentally showers also produce negative ions, though typically as a side effect. I would think running the shower to clean air would be rather inefficient, particularly since ozone-feee negative ion generators exist as a consumer product.

Comment by Cookie Factory (cookie-factory) on The Short Case for Verificationism · 2020-09-12T17:16:18.719Z · LW · GW

Like flowers in the spring and leaves in the fall, the decline phase within the civilization cycle brings out all the flavor du jour takes on solipsism and nihilism from the nerd demographic. The more things change the more they stay the same.