Quite a bit (I'd say all to some degree) though we may not be executing it exactly how Michael specified. We launched the service in April and it's evolving quite rapidly as we continue to learn and grow with our customers/users.
This is what we're working for:
Hi Michael,
Great suggestion! Like Patrick mentioned, this is really our focus, though I typically refer to it as 'eHarmony for hiring'. :)
We pair a more intimate understanding of a professionals education, experience, personality and interests with a deeper understanding of a company, their culture and what it takes to be successful in a particular role. We use this data to come up with the "Path.To Score" which is a 0-99 measure of how compatible a particular individual is with a specific role at a specific company, which we use to market positions to the right candidates and provide introductions between businesses and potential employees.
Without getting into too much detail we use a number of signals to inform and evolve the scoring. These range from basic Q&A to semantic analysis and natural language processing of local and external data sources likes Facebook, Twitter, GitHub and Dribbble.
It's been fascinating thus far and I'm really excited with the road ahead.
Patrick, thanks so much for mentioning us.