

Comment by eggsmediumrare on Will 2023 be the last year you can write short stories and receive most of the intellectual credit for writing them? · 2023-03-17T01:36:24.931Z · LW · GW

I don't want to read a story someone coaxed out of an LLM. I suspect I will someday and won't even notice, but if I was then made aware, I'd be mad about it. I wake up every day and write 1000 words on a story I'm pretty sure no one will ever read. It probably seems like a waste of time, but I enjoy it, so it's not.

Comment by eggsmediumrare on A Brief Defense of Athleticism · 2023-03-09T00:58:25.277Z · LW · GW

You learn something about yourself when you push hard that you cannot learn anywhere else, and you learn even more from doing it repeatedly and consistently. Moderately active in relative terms is sedentary in absolute terms anyways.