

Comment by gasca on A Pattern Language For Rationality · 2022-07-06T15:22:21.898Z · LW · GW

I love the idea of a Pattern Language for Rationality!! Great project. One thing I noticed from your post is you didn't mention Christopher Alexander's later books "The Nature of Order" (published in the early 2000s). In many ways I think those books have some ideas that are even more germane to this project - in particular,  Alexander lays out this concept of the "15 Fundamental Properties" which in a way are building blocks for his Patterns. I can imagine using some of the similar ideas for "X# of Fundamental Rationality Properties" that could build up to larger patterns for example...

In case it's of interest, I wrote about Book 1's 15 Properties of Nature of Order, here and Book 2 here.