

Comment by GeneralBelov on [Completed] The 2024 Petrov Day Scenario · 2024-09-27T05:18:54.376Z · LW · GW

I surveyed some participants about their preferences. I believe this is nine generals plus a petrov (second from bottom).

9 people prefer peace; 1 deranged person says "peace = mutual destruction" and "I was kinda hoping the other side would launch the nukes"; fortunately we survived them.

If one side had admitted to launching nukes, it looks like at least one person on the other side would have favored retaliating; unclear whether they'd get a majority (and unclear whether they'd launch without a majority).

I agree with the long note. I think anonymity is ~necessary to get decent P(defection) from a small group of high-karma users. But there are issues with that and the ritual is fine with low P(destruction).