

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 64: Omake Files 4, Alternate Parallels · 2022-06-04T04:05:49.601Z · LW · GW

"The Uchiha's eyes gleamed, almost as though he had activated his Smartingan. "

The funny thing is, with all the overblown OPness of the sharingan, it wouldnt be strange is somewhere there was an uchiha who could actually self-genjutsu into becoming smarter 

I can imagine two tomoes positioning up and down the pupil, and the third one forming a vertical line, creating an integral's symbol

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 62: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Final · 2022-06-02T20:40:09.225Z · LW · GW

"I do not think so. The Death Eaters learned, toward the end of the war, not to attack the Order's families."

So thats why they burned Narcisa 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 61: TSPE, Secrecy and Openness, Pt 11 · 2022-06-02T19:49:49.768Z · LW · GW

Dude, a bad experiment going horribly wrong, is as classic as it gets

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 59: TSPE, Curiosity, Pt 9 · 2022-06-02T16:44:15.446Z · LW · GW

Had i not know how many chapters this fic has, i would assume we are nearing the end

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 51: Title Redacted, Pt 1 · 2022-06-02T02:34:42.739Z · LW · GW

Voldemort was incredibly ugly, therefore no woman would have served as his quasi-lover willingly, obviously 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 47: Personhood Theory · 2022-06-01T19:23:25.228Z · LW · GW

I think Harry means sapient, 'cause every animal with a brain is sentient for sure, and maybe even plants are, to some degree 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 46: Humanism, Pt 4 · 2022-06-01T02:33:47.129Z · LW · GW

That line of reasoning about the prophecy is extremely good, although i wonder if Snape was already a teacher at howarts by then

If he was, he could have overheard the prophecy, or read it from McGonagall's mind

But if he was not a teacher, and was also out there doing Dead Eater stuff, then yes, totally Dumbledore

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 45: Humanism, Pt 3 · 2022-06-01T02:04:56.220Z · LW · GW

The motto is: we shall end death, or we will die trying 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 41: Frontal Override · 2022-06-01T00:36:31.381Z · LW · GW

That ending was like, oh-my-gosh, totally the best, i cant even!

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 39: Pretending to be Wise, Pt 1 · 2022-05-31T23:29:16.615Z · LW · GW

That was a little weak on Dumbledore, maybe because, if a person has lives that much and wants answers to life, they would have already gone to see the muggle world, and contrast their beliefs with those of people with more limited means

Even if magic cannot easily grant immortality, evil immortality is still on the table, thats a whole game changers for the questions of life, and just living much longer, and with more comfort, puts in perspective the advantages that wizards can historically get over muggles

Basically, its pretty rich to go martyr from a position of privilege, as compared with historical muggles 

Sure, Dumbledore has it bad, but there has been a whole world who could only dream of the benefits of having magic, and its life-improving perks

If one cares so much about the meaning of life, and sees death as a dignified end, then the first step would have been to improve the lifestyle of as much people as possible, but to have been sitting on this pile of benefits and still go emo over not enough answers, is just lame

Dumbledore is like a humanist who can only see a portion of humanity

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 38: The Cardinal Sin · 2022-05-31T03:03:01.928Z · LW · GW

The enemy cannot see through your plans if you dont have a plan

*taps temple*

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 36: Status Differentials · 2022-05-31T03:01:38.901Z · LW · GW

Its not from those dentists, that Hermione inherited her long and twisted fangs

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 35: Coordination Problems, Pt 3 · 2022-05-30T22:01:13.002Z · LW · GW

Draco and Hermione 🎵

Sitting in a classroom 🎶

P-L-O-T-T-I-N-G ♫ 🎵♬ 🎶 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 32: Interlude: Personal Financial Management · 2022-05-30T05:44:51.990Z · LW · GW

Harry Potter and the Methods Of Grumpiness

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 30: Working in Group, Pt 1 · 2022-05-30T05:30:05.561Z · LW · GW

That was so hilariously edgy, also:

"The chaos army looks suspiciously well organized"- Oglaf

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 28: Reductionism · 2022-05-30T01:47:55.092Z · LW · GW

If nothing else, partial transfiguraion would probably be capable of destroying the horcruxes 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 27: Empathy · 2022-05-30T00:26:10.413Z · LW · GW

That James was rich and handsome, 'cause you know, a girl romancing a rich/talented, handsome asshole who is also a leader of his group, or a loner/misunderstood outsider, is the plot of 50% romance novels

Amusingly, is not that you are not smart enough, is that you dont consume enough trash to be familiar with its plots

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 21: Rationalization · 2022-05-28T19:07:43.017Z · LW · GW

"I have been on a date, scion of Malfoy. My first date. And when I call that favor due, you will pay it."

I love how childish this sounds, much needed to balance out not-evil Harry 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 19: Delayed Gratification · 2022-05-28T16:43:33.684Z · LW · GW

The point was not to win or to lose, but that Harry could have waited until later, used the same bargaining chip, and Snape would have been forced to play nice without Harry looking like a ticking time bomb

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 19: Delayed Gratification · 2022-05-28T16:40:56.792Z · LW · GW

Last chapter Harry bargained with his "pay me not to go with Voldemort," but if Voldemort comes to him, then there was no breach on Harry's promise 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 17: Locating the Hypothesis · 2022-05-28T02:38:38.216Z · LW · GW

"Look, I don't have enough time to turn everyone away from the Dark Side and I've got to ask where the Light can gain the most advantage the fastest -"

Naruto would be disappointed 

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 16: Lateral Thinking · 2022-05-27T20:52:10.025Z · LW · GW

Mmm... all they had to do was to ask for a volunteer, yep, lots of brainpowah and little common sense

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 15: Conscientiousness · 2022-05-27T19:25:27.164Z · LW · GW

In that final scene, McGonagall completely fits the mexican expression "to tie razors"

Its a reference to cockfights, before the fight each rooster gets a razor tied on the spur, so they may kill each other more efficiently, "to tie razors" means to encourage people to escalate a conflict 

Its so fitting because before fighting, roosters stand in front of each other, seeing each other eye-to-eye while posturing

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 14: The Unknown and the Unknowable · 2022-05-27T00:01:07.705Z · LW · GW

Duh, after Harry-2 put the cloak inside of Harry-1's pouch... Harry-2 took out the cloak from his own pouch

Man, invisibility and time travelling, thats a broken combo

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 13: Asking the Wrong Questions · 2022-05-26T23:13:58.150Z · LW · GW

i guess this was staged by Harry himself after getting the time turner, simply because there are no other suspects, and its too sudden to be part of a major plot

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 10: Self Awareness, Part II · 2022-05-26T20:33:01.826Z · LW · GW

Is this... a backwards Thinking Hat?

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 8: Positive Bias · 2022-05-26T19:13:21.167Z · LW · GW

I, a non-native, simply assumed the author was mixing "hiccup" and "cough," to express Hermione being so flabbergasted her body could not decide which reaction to take

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 7: Reciprocation · 2022-05-26T18:13:15.575Z · LW · GW

I am aware of Draco being a fanfic favorite, due to TvTropes, so its quite interesting to see him as a likeable character, but by making him truly be a damn bloody snob instead of the "misunderstood guy" easy road


Harry: have you heard the story of Armstrong The Moonwalker?

I dont think so, its not a story the wizards would tell, its a muggle story


Draco: Is it possible to learn this power?

Comment by GinHindew110 (ginhindew110) on Chapter 6: The Planning Fallacy · 2022-05-26T06:20:10.567Z · LW · GW

Its a chapter with spatial items, which provided increased inner dimensions, therefore there is more text for the same chapter page, as its logical