Hello to all, although I am quite new to this site I have been exploring it ever since I first found it. I am an undergraduate mathematics and physics student with the goal to get a PhD in mathematics with a specialization in game theory and/or decision theory. Throughout my schooling I have constantly been bored with the lackluster mathematics that have been shoved in my face so consequently I have constantly been doing extra studying and research on my own. During one of my information binges I came across what is known as 'timeless decision theory' that I found on this website and after reading the article I was hooked on the plethora of talking points that I found on this website. Though i have done much research on my own on topics such as behavior analysis, game theory of popular board games, and group theory I do not plan on trying to contribute right away, though I hope I will end up posting some great arguments, I feel I need to learn the jargon and protocol before I can sufficiently contribute. As for the more personal side of things, my hobbies include a very healthy dose of board games and math ( yeah, i count it as a hobby). I have what I think is a good sense of humor and my philosophy is that offence is taken, not given, meaning their is no such thing as an intrinsic offensive statement. If anyone has a desire to chat about any of the previously mentioned topics I would be happy to indulge (especially board games, which if you couldn't already tell is a favorite of mine). Thank you and have a nice day to all.