
Here's Why Indefinite Life Extension Will Never Work, Even Though it Does. 2024-06-04T18:48:07.781Z


Comment by HomingHamster (hominghamster) on Here's Why Indefinite Life Extension Will Never Work, Even Though it Does. · 2024-06-05T04:50:56.533Z · LW · GW

I'm sorry if you are angry about the fact you may not be told about advancements in this field. Many people seem to be angry or dismissive in this field when they cant see how to use the solutions directly themselves. 

Your opening is of disbelief, but a significant part of your comment is about fear of billionaires using the technology and not sharing it. Which is what this is about. I try not to assume that billionares are dont want to help the majority to take these drugs, but if there is absolutely no discussion other than toxicity then we are likely to collapse. If we dont make the solutions refined, there will be no way for them to support us to take even existing solutions, which we are unlikely to know 100% if they work until a few generations time.

I think that honestly following the developments, rationally, with optimism, and understanding of how the exponential nature of technology has changed the way that society is able to assume consistency from lessons over the ages. Encouraging a fair discussion "we did all we could" attitude among the whole community would make it way more pleasent and likely to happen for everyone who wants it.

This is an early warning that if we let attitudes like this prevail, then the vast majorority will not get the choice, and the generational paranoias of elite ruling classes who live in the shadows and manipulate humanity will be 1000x more likely to be 1000x worse.

Comment by HomingHamster (hominghamster) on Here's Why Indefinite Life Extension Will Never Work, Even Though it Does. · 2024-06-05T04:35:29.651Z · LW · GW

I have attempted to provide useful studies, but the main premise /is/ that the medications exist and also that we should think long and hard about how to impliment solutions that enable us to use them. For example there is a black market trade in Everolimus for life-extension. The arguments that the rich would use these drugs is fair, but why do you assume we would notice until they have a monopoly, they haven't been available for more than a decade really. I couldn't find the source so I didnt want to include it, but for example i remember seeing that Joe Biden was treated with Rapamycin for Covid.

The quotes by David Sinclair from the Star Talk Posdcast where he says his students are comfortable dialing up and down the age of mice, and that its working in dogs and monkeys too, that he's working on putting it in pill form. They all suggest a reason for the rest of content of this article to be discussed. I'm guessing that relying on there being a paper might not be the best way to prepare, because given infomation wars they may not ever be published. I'm hoping that it will be discussed, because otherwise many people may die needlessly, because everyone waited until it was a sensation, and there will be too much desperation and war or collapse because of the percieved inequality.

The existance of AI Drug Discovery and Quantum Molecular Modelling, will probably mean there is a solution sooner rather than later and we forget often about the exponential nature of recent science. I'm open for suggestions on how to edit the article.