I have been seeking like minded people. I have been thinking, even just studying the long term effects that we know of already, that nobody is taking this seriously enough. Furthermore, the fact that it immediately travels to the front of the human brain, causing the lack of smell and tatse that people are reporting, means there may be some very serious long term residual brain issues. I tend to read personal encounters with this illness along with preliminary scientific papers on the early findings. The findings that not all are building lasting antibodies is extremely disturbing, the multi organ attack, extreme lmk y disturbing. But, just go to work and wash your hands and you will be fine? Yet it is airborne and reported to be contractes through eyes now? People should be panicking and yet they are instead protesting stay at home orders. The government tends to give less infor.ation, not more, to avoid panic. This is historically true with all large scale issues. They certainly do not WANT us locked down as it kills their profits and our economies. For people that believe they are locking us down to make us compliant by fear are ridiculous. The American president is teykng to send everyone back to work in the midst of this "war zone" with no real protection. If that does not show he is willing to sacrifice human lives for money I do not know what does. Regardless, no one seems to be sounding alarmas at how very bad systemically this virus in fact truly is. In a mild case of a child I recently read about, he recovered and subsequently dropped of a heart attack at age 8( he was revived and saved). This is not a good sign, but this issue, it will be ignored and called "rare", do not worry people! Be the sheep you are and go to work and make the money for your country.