
Should effective altruism be more "cool"? 2024-06-22T20:42:34.851Z


Comment by jaredmantell on Should effective altruism be more "cool"? · 2024-06-23T21:55:24.230Z · LW · GW

Apologies for my brevity. I understand this forum has a high standard of quality it expects from its posts, but I've not really put in the time to make a full essay out of this.

I'm currently working on building up an EA-adjacent community; the purpose of this is to make it more "palatable" to career-focused types. I want to create a community that someone can look at and go "wow, this will help me land a higher-paying job" and then transition that into genuine optimism & action towards creating a better future.

I'll try it out for a month or three, and if this seems to be getting traction, will provide an update. :)