

Comment by JeremySchlatter on Non-Disparagement Canaries for OpenAI · 2024-06-04T00:50:14.479Z · LW · GW

Oh, interesting. Thanks for pointing that out! It looks like my comment above may not apply to post-2019 employees.

(I was employed in 2017, when OpenAI was still just a non-profit. So I had no equity and therefore there was no language in my exit agreement that threatened to take my equity. The equity-threatening stuff only applies to post-2019 employees, and their release emails were correspondingly different.)

The language in my email was different. It released me from non-disparagement and non-solicitation, but nothing else:

"OpenAI writes to notify you that it is releasing you from any non-disparagement and non-solicitation provision within any such agreement."

Comment by JeremySchlatter on Non-Disparagement Canaries for OpenAI · 2024-06-02T20:29:58.823Z · LW · GW

There is a factor that may be causing people who have been released to not report it publicly:

When I received the email from OpenAI HR releasing me from the non-disparagement agreement, I wanted to publicly acknowledge that fact. But then I noticed that, awkwardly, I was still bound not to acknowledge that it had existed in the first place. So I didn't think I could say, for example, "OpenAI released me from my non-disparagement agreement" or "I used to be bound by a non-disparagement agreement, but now I'm not."

So I didn't say anything about it publicly. Instead, I replied to HR asking for permission to disclose the previous non-disparagement agreement. Thankfully they gave it to me, which is why I'm happy to talk about it now. But if I hadn't taken the initiative to email them I would have been more hesitant to reveal that I had been released from the non-disparagement agreement.

I don't know if any other ex-OpenAI employees are holding back for similar reasons. I may have been unusually cautious or pedantic about this. But it seemed worth mentioning in case I'm not the only one.

Comment by JeremySchlatter on [deleted post] 2016-07-23T06:56:29.000Z

This sounds like a great idea to me. Thanks for the clear write-up. Two more possible risks I can think of:

1) Opportunity cost

It might be that this is a really good idea, but there are other things that are even better ideas that we should do instead. I'm still building my models here, so I would defer to people who have thought about it more.

That said, I am not currently aware of anything that seems working on at the expense of doing this.

2) It causes it to be harder to gain traction when Arbital starts working on the long-term goals

When I imagine this proposal working, I see lots of people coming to know Arbital as "the textbook site". Then Arbital starts branching out into discussions and these people become confused and don't want the new thing.

Comment by JeremySchlatter on Facing the Intelligence Explosion discussion page · 2011-12-16T03:54:21.467Z · LW · GW

Re: Playing Taboo with “Intelligence”

Another great update! I noticed a small inherited mistake from Shane, though:

how able to agent is to adapt...

should probably be

how able the agent is to adapt...

Comment by JeremySchlatter on Upcoming meet-ups: Buenos Aires, Minneapolis, Ottawa, Edinburgh, Cambridge, London, DC · 2011-05-14T00:09:39.067Z · LW · GW

The St Louis group has stopped meeting for the summer (all but one of us are college students who live elsewhere during the summer). I've updated the wiki to reflect this.

I know a few people weren't here during the semester and wanted to meet up during the summer. Don't let our absence stop you! It's just as easy to arrange a meetup yourself.