I feel compelled to comment, I came across this post. I have read the same books and spoke with Mary C. as well. My husband is an engineer so there's that. My late talker 4.75 is very social, very affectionate; if me and his dad are hugging or kissing, he comes running to get in on the action, he ask for hugs and kisses randomly unprovoked, engaged, eye contact on par, smart; can read, do simple math, a wiz at puzzles, knows planets, days of the week, months, ect all self taught. His thirst for learning is mind-blowing. Once he learns/master a topic he moves on. No repetitive behavior or stimming. Observant like no other, I can show him something one time and he got it. Taught him to go get me ice water from the fridge in one shot. He mimics everything we do. Seeks attention, love to dance with us or make us dance with him. Great pretend play; plays doctor with us, plays with lego, play doh, cars any type of toy he will play with it. Sings songs and make us sing songs with him. Mischievous, a teaser, like to play games. Follows complex directions; get your red shoes from the closet, go up stairs and get ..... look in the draw and get the blue balloon. Get you a spoon and go eat. Can dress/undress himself All this from a kid with limited expressive language. A very typical kid outside of language. We have four boys in total he is the youngest and when I say I don't see a difference in his development vs theirs, I don't, only the speech. We had him evaluated by the school and the only thing that qualified him for SPED pre-k was his speech but you need two things so they got him on how he was holding his pencil at the time. He is not behind on any of he developmental skills except language. And he goes to a regular daycare as well so a combination of both.
I read your post on gestalt language only thing is he does not "script talk". He for sure scripts with his favorite shows but to himself. But he will try to use one/two words but we ask him what do you say, for example, he will say "milk, milk, milk" and we will say what do you say and he will say "I want milk". He trys to get away with minimal language but we are starting to see a "change" way more verbal than before. He is now repeating almost everything we say as if he is committing it to memory. He had a language/word burst at 2 then 3 and 4 very slow but his understanding increased. He's starting to intentionally put words together on his own so I hope and pray it continues to increase. I agree with when the brain is ready that that's when language happens and nothing or no one is going to make it come any sooner but God in it natural order and time. With the other boys I remember one day they were not taking and then one day they were. Nothing I did.
I say all this to support what you are going though.... how can a very intelligent engaged kid not have age appropriate language but age appropriate actions....I don't know but I am a believer in God and I pray everyday for his language to fully come through. I pray that same for you and your son. Thank you for giving me a platform where someone understands that I'm not crazy or in denial.