

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-11T07:26:54.618Z · LW · GW
  1. Longevity is not the only factor of interest.

  2. There's CR and CR. A paleo lifestyle will greatly increase natural tolerance to fasting, leading to longer periods without meals, up to one day at times. Deliberate CR is something different.

  3. CR doesn't show up among blue zones or the world's oldest people. Rather, the opposite - enjoyment of life.

  4. I read a chimp study that showed CR chimps lived longer but had terrible quality of life compared to the fat happy sly contented ad libitum eaters. That suggests it's a tradeoff between living longer slowly and living faster richly.

  5. Longevity is extremely hard to study in humans and there are many better-established effects on health from altering biological inputs than anything related to longevity.

  6. Most importantly, cages and unnatural diets may tend to exaggerate the positive effects of CR on animals. Now interestingly, many humans live in the modern equivalent of cages and eat highly unnatural diets...

Therefore, I reject your thesis that rejecting CR and pursuing supplementation is misguided.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-09T06:04:14.294Z · LW · GW

While the anecdote is interesting, cancer patients are perhaps not the best sample group for extrapolating to the healthy.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-08T07:47:22.057Z · LW · GW

Many of the other extreme elimination diets I tried showed obvious signs of micronutrient deficiency. For example, I tried bread and water, lean meat and water, etc. It's easy to recognize signs of deficiency - fatigue, cravings, etc.

But I wouldn't say scallops have everything. I did lose weight. I think you'd have to add in some fish to get a complete diet. Not so much for vitamins or minerals, but for something related to satiety and macronutrient composition. It could be insufficient fats/oils, or maybe you can't get enough protein because it triggers satiety too fast due to impending overdose of some micronutrient. Or maybe it's just the taste.

I've been going for many months on a diet of solely rice, fish, scallops, rice and shrimp. Since I'm still healthy and productive, there can't be any short or medium-term deficiency there.

In general, however, a meat-only elimination diet works. See the Stefansson trial, and his study from living with Eskimos. Meat with sufficient fat on it is all that is needed to sustain human life, and it can even come from a single animal, as long as that animal isn't being grain fed from mineral depleted soil.

Thus it's not so much surprising that rice, water, and any X meat is sufficient for health. Rather, the extreme positive biological reaction to micronutrient overload from high scallops intake is what's surprising.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-07T13:48:04.516Z · LW · GW

Paleo is a big tent with many suboptimal stalls.

Plant nutrition is more difficult to optimize than animal sources. Plants are not strictly necessary, and become completely optional once comfortable starch intake is achieved.

Yes, paleo is great. No, it is not a fad, although it contains various fads.

Fad: "a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group."

Paleo is no more a fad than are herbal remedies. Neither are temporary phenomena.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-07T04:28:02.860Z · LW · GW

Sometimes it's better to ask than to assume someone has already exhausted his case.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-06T01:04:34.133Z · LW · GW

Yes, you're right, I was wrong about that

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-06T01:01:37.936Z · LW · GW

Yep, should work

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T21:41:49.558Z · LW · GW

I scored 1560 / 34 on SAT / ACT and 99th percentile on GMAT as well, if I recall correctly. I've never taken an IQ test. I was born in 1984, so by the time I took them the SAT's were less g-loaded.

I would say average, peak and trough performance all greatly improved, but I can't quantify it. I felt like a genius, relative to where I had been, and much quicker mentally.

I have no way of returning to my previous diet right now, so I can't rigorously test this.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T21:35:30.456Z · LW · GW

In theory, any shellfish should do it. Shrimp don't have this property. Shrimp are scavengers, whereas shellfish filter water. The latter activity is what creates the high mineral content.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T08:33:01.485Z · LW · GW

Yes, although hunger decreased dramatically, so I didn't eat nearly as much scallops as you would think. Scallops have a major impact on food satiety and cravings, I've found. I suspect we tend to overconsume food to compensate for low density of key micronutrients.

My long term stable diet is 1. scallops daily, one package; 2. unlimited white rice; 3. lean fish - cod, perch or pollock; 4. shrimp for flavor/texture.

Diluting the scallop content brings down cost. The enhancement effect isn't quite as extreme, but it's still very good.

This diet has almost no fat or any other difficult to digest substances due to my intraheptic cholestasis. If you are digestively normal, you could fill out the rest of the diet with any paleo ingredients, as long as you eat scallops daily.

I believe this delivers superior performance to the typical paleo grass-fed organ meat route, but I cannot personally test this due to my limitations. I think humans are well adapted to a shoreline diet due to bottleneck event(s) caused by some natural catastrophe that rendered extinct those humans without access to shorelines. If you've watched Survivor, you know that any bipedal idiot can gather shellfish on the beach. Ancient shellfish middens indicate that they were a major food source.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T08:26:14.806Z · LW · GW

I have experienced cognitive gains that would almost certainly show up on IQ tests by eating better animal sources of micronutrients. Studies would be great.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T08:24:52.996Z · LW · GW

Yes, unfortunately

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T08:22:37.714Z · LW · GW

I was driven to it by necessity, I have intraheptic cholestasis.

You aren't very familiar with the paleo literature. Conclusive evidence exists that human beings can consume just about any animal monotonically without suffering nutrient deficiency. Exceptions might be extremely simple animals like snails or maybe starfish that don't share enough similarity. But most seafood and land animals will work.

The major exception to this rule is that some animals don't have enough fat to sustain life, which leads to protein poisoning. The solution is to either eat more carbs or more fat from another source.

Vitamin C deficiency is impossible to contract while eating fresh meat. See polar expeditions for details. This is a problem with the "daily value" theory. Vitamin C is present in meat in far smaller amounts than in plants, but because of greater bioavailability, it is actually a better source than plant sources. As long as the meat is fresh.

I may put together all this at some point, with links etc. It's buried in my notes.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-05T05:58:08.170Z · LW · GW

I went a month eating nothing but boiled rice, scallops and water. It was the highest energy/mood/libido diet I've ever tried, but I couldn't maintain weight because it tasted gross.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-04T14:41:36.106Z · LW · GW

Actually, you can get all vitamins, minerals and micronutrients by eating scallops only. It's a whole animal and mineral rich due to inexhaustibility of ocean water (compared to soil mineral content).

But you still need rice and fish protein for nutritional bulk and flavor.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-02T15:08:48.748Z · LW · GW

"It will not be automatically dismissed, "

I'm more than satisfied with that. And I agree with the rest of your comment. As I said in the article, I think the company is a good idea.

Comment by JosephBuchignani on Announcing the Quantified Health Prize · 2011-12-02T11:06:20.441Z · LW · GW

I've posted a critique of the contest's internal assumptions here, along with part of my answer: