

Comment by Logos on [Link] A superintelligent solution to the Fermi paradox · 2012-05-30T21:36:05.034Z · LW · GW

To summarize my reasons for downvoting, after first reading the entire contents of the linked blog:

There are standard scenarios in which our world is a hoax, e.g. a computer simulation or stage-managed by aliens. These are plausible enough to be non-negligible in their most general form, although claims of weird specific hoaxes are unlikely. Given some weird observation, like waking up with a blue tentacle, a claim of a weird specific hoax is the most likely non-delusory explanation.

Because of the schizophrenia you have previously mentioned here, you make a lot of weird observations, and have trouble interpreting mundane coincidences as mundane. You also picked up a lot of ideas from the Less Wrong community. So you reach out to the hoax hypotheses to justify your delusions and hallucinations, and go on to encrust them with theological language. This is both a common tendency in paranoid schizophrenics, and a way to assert opposition to and claim superiority to Less Wrong, per your usual self-admitted trolling.

This approach seem unlikely to lead to fruitful or pleasant reading. And empirically, the ratio of nonsense, "raving crank style," and insanity to interesting ideas (all available elsewhere) is far too high. The situation is sad, but I want to see less of this, including posts linking to it, so I downvoted.