

Comment by mattposts on I'm a Former Israeli Officer. AMA · 2023-10-10T09:02:57.668Z · LW · GW

The World Socialist Website has a number of positions on the current conflict. To name some of their key points:

-What is happening in Gaza right now is a genuine popular uprising on the part of the Palestinians, that evokes the uprising of the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto in WWII. 

-It is also recognized by millions of Israelis that Netanyahu has staged provocations against Palestinians in order to provoke a violent response that could be used to distract domestic opposition. However, the Palestinian reaction to his criminal schemes has vastly exceeded Netanyahu’s calculations.

-The current Israeli government faces not only the resistance of the Palestinian masses, but also the growing opposition of the Israeli working class. Throughout the year there have been mass demonstrations of Israeli workers and youth against the Netanyahu government and its authoritarian measures. These demonstrations were undermined by the official leadership, which refused to raise the issue of the oppression of the Palestinians. Netanyahu’s declaration of war has also irrevocably exposed the main Zionist opposition leaders, Yair Lapid of Yesh Atid and Benny Gantz of the National Unity Party, who have predictably rallied behind the Israeli war plans. 

-For the masses of workers and youth in Israel, it is not the Palestinians who are the enemy, but the Netanyahu government and the Israeli ruling class. The moves to overturn democratic forms of rule within Israel are connected to the extreme growth of social inequality and the intensifying assault on social programs.

-The great historical and political paradox of the present situation is this: The Israeli working class cannot defend its own democratic rights without fighting for the democratic rights of the Palestinian people against Zionist oppression. And the Palestinians cannot achieve their aspirations for democratic rights and social equality without forging a fighting alliance with the Israeli working class. The only viable perspective is not a mythical “two-state solution,” but a unified socialist state of Jewish and Arab workers.

To what extent do you agree with this perspective? Do you believe the socialists are correct, or wildly off the mark? Do you believe a unified state of Jews and Arabs is possible? What do you see as the future of Israel and Palestine?