12 aka freya (it/its pronouns) is the admin of 8P and has enjoyed your work from what i'm aware of , causing LB (who has also been on 8P in the past , though she hid her identity) to lash out for some reason . also RW's telling of the story paints the Zizzians as attacking Lind , whole that post instead only mentions Lind killing Emma . honestly considering that the daisy account is also gone now , i'm not sure there will be any resolution with 12 also saying its confused why LB is against you , except "her being just, well, a bitch" in its DMs to me .
probably not gonna add more unless i can find LB's 8P 2 that she mentioned
also 12 fangirling in my DMs about you lol .
hi ! as you can probably infer i don't use LW , but i wanted to reach out and this seemed to be the most reasonable place . sorry if i don't format or reason in the way expected here , i'm not a rationalist nor do i know the site culture .
anyway , about a month ago , the fediverse instance was nuked and defaced , as far as i can tell , by Laurelai Bailey (LB) , over claims of the admin referencing you (and abstractWeapon , not sure what the relationship between the two of you is) , claiming in a pastebin (that has since been deleted , but is available via the internet archive) that you're affiliated with "cult that’s confirmed to have two kills to its name and has actively shielded a cis man raping his way through the west coast trans community" . the tumblr links she(?) provided have a very lengthy essay about your alleged affiliation with the people Zizzians clashed with and tells the story of Linds confrontation with them from the Zizzians perspective , from what i can tell . the whole text is not written very clearly i'm not that sure .
i got reminded of this this from Rebecca Watson's video on the Zizzians and i'm trusting her research , especially as the way she described her research doesn't sound especially pleasant , with those tumblr writeups appearing to reinforce that . honestly i'm still confused over what LB ment .