Novice's Shortform
AMA: International School Student in China
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Novice on
Novice's Shortform ·
2025-02-06T02:43:59.633Z ·
LW ·
My toy model of fortune-telling:
Objective: feel better while minimizing interpersonal risk
1. Obtain a dX die
2. Give it to someone else and they assign each side a result
3. Have them throw it for you
Result Interpretation:
Good Result: can be accepted as valid for emotional comfort
Bad Result: can be rejected as invalid
Vague Result: able to interpret as anything you want with the responsibility delegated to the fortune-teller
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Novice on
The Problem (TM) - Analyse a conversation ·
2024-08-29T01:30:22.465Z ·
LW ·
One Indication of bipolar swings is total sleep
Should this have been 'One indication of manic episodes is a total lack of need for sleep'? 'Total sleep' seems like a typo.
Although this can mostly be inferred through context, this could potentially be misleading.