Are you expecting the Cost/Productivity ratio of AGI in the future to be roughly the same as it is for the agents Sam is currently proposing? I would expect that as time passes, the capabilities of such agents will vastly increase while they also get cheaper. This seems to generally be the case with technology, and previous technology had no potential means of self-improving on a short timescale. The potential floor for AI "wages" is also incredibly low compared to humans.
It definitely is worth also keeping in mind that AI labor should be much easier to scale than human labor in part because of the hiring issue, but a relatively high(?) price on initial agents isn't enough to update me away from the massive potential it has to undercut labor.
Hello, everyone! I don't remember how I first found the site a few months ago, but I came back after reading some of David Chapman's stuff (Meaningness, Eggplant, etc.) I read through HPMOR and the sequences and thought they were pretty awesome, and I also really like the general vibes here in favor of good epistemics and discussion.
Some things about me:
I graduated last spring with a B.S. in Poli Sci, I was planning to apply to law school but have since decided against it for the foreseeable future, I currently work at a local law firm in my area.
I play violin and piano semi-professionally, doing gigs around town.
I've been saving over 85% of my income since last September when I actually started tracking it.
Relatedly, I want to keep my spending very low. It seems really helpful at allowing me to have control of my time and my actions.
I want to learn a lot of things and get better at doing a lot of things. I regret that I didn't have this mindset when I was still in college, at that point I was mainly seeking good grades for minimum effort.
I don't have too much in terms of strong life direction. My interests are varied and I can't really imagine picking any one thing to focus on above all else for more than a limited time.
Last time I took an OCEAN test I was in the bottom 1% for neuroticism so that may help explain some things.
Current focuses: Music, Japanese, Exercise, learning about AI (have updated massively towards a relatively shorter timeline from basically no timeline at all since first visiting the site), and Cooking.
I definitely want to get some better structure to actually track progress in different things.
I also want to get caught up on some math and physics to better intuitively understand some of the stuff I've been reading here, I used to be pretty good (went to National Mathcounts in middle school) but haven't done anything past like Calc 1 and I don't remember that very well.
I'm in the US, but do not live really close to any of the meet-up places that I have seen.
What I want to do here: I would like to use all the cool stuff you guys have written/made to learn and get better at doing things, I would like to make positive connections and friendships with smart and interesting people, and I would like to hopefully create some content that people here will find useful at some point. See you around!