

Comment by rafaelCosman on How much do you believe your results? · 2023-05-07T14:32:05.027Z · LW · GW

Great post, thank you! This could help explain the general intuition about “too good to be true”.

Comment by rafaelCosman on Explaining “Hell is Game Theory Folk Theorems” · 2023-05-06T05:24:09.086Z · LW · GW

Culture seems like an object of this type! For better or for worse.

Comment by rafaelCosman on Where I agree and disagree with Eliezer · 2022-06-26T22:53:08.294Z · LW · GW

Yes! And additionally, that even conditional on all of Yudkowsky's dire predictions being correct, that we can perform significantly better as a community (and civilization) by taking a more positive attitude (as exemplified by Paul's post).


People and entire societies have faced tough situations (including existential ones) many times and I think there are patterns to what sorts of attitudes maximize probability of success. Facing the brutal facts but remaining hopeful, passionate, and creative.

Comment by rafaelCosman on Where I agree and disagree with Eliezer · 2022-06-22T01:00:10.141Z · LW · GW

Excellent post, thank you Paul. This is an important message that the community needs to hear right now.

Comment by rafaelCosman on [deleted post] 2022-02-14T02:26:48.913Z

Hey Zac, I think that's a valid concern. There are various "god powers" that we could potentially use to alleviate suffering, but again, that's not a complete solution. I would claim though, that even given the suffering our universe contains, we should be glad it exists (as opposed to not existing at all).

I suppose this is also related to the debate between negative and classical utilitarians!