Interesting and nearly impossible subject
The odds a race of people ,living on a planet over populated as it is, will take the time effort and money to re-animate thousands/millions of human beings (or brains ) simply because those from the past "paid" for them to do so? Has a probability rate of nearly ZERO!
The idea that people actually pay to possibly (and unlikely) be re-animated in any form? Makes one believe that they are not only without understanding of how the life and death process works but also frighteningly unstable.
Once one is dead? They are DEAD. There are legitimate reasons for this that involve such things as the malfunction of organs etc.
Don't believe congress in the future (if there even is one) will be arguing over proposed bills to help fund the medical procedures necessary to successfully re-animate human beings from the past. Wont happen.
Also the idea of bringing people/brains back to life without having to perform medical procedures in order to keep said subject alive? I personally do not believe would be possible for many, many hundreds of years if at all !
Meaning: you died for a reason and if they don't fix it? You aren't going to be resurrected successfully. There will be no star trek beaming device that resurrects the dead and if so expect hundreds if not thousands of years to pass before such a device is invented and tested to be successful.
All utter hogwash in my opinion.
For the sake of argument if said device was invented: What will the failure rate be by the way? Ever think about that?
Where will one live once re-animated? Where will one work? Where will ones brain be placed?
Will homeless shelters be erected for the re-animated? Or will the few "lucky ones" simply be used as lab rats once they are brought back to "life"? hhhmmm
Also, whose going to re-animate all of these people/brains and what are they going to be paid by the hour to do so? Do they receive benefits? Will they be offered insurance and 2 weeks vacation every year? LOL.
"Honey I'm home! my gosh what a tough day at the re-animation lab today!" How will those brought back to life be fed/nourished? Will they be kept in institutions? Or simply left to walk the streets jobless, hopeless vagrants?
Will there be a re-animators union run by the teamsters?
This is insanity people!
By the way your $100,000 dollars today will be worth about $1,000 tomorrow. In other words: You probably couldn't spend enough money today to be successfully re-animated in the future. After all inflation IS an issue is it not?
This scenario would be similar to Ben Franklin paying $500 to be cryogenically frozen in 1782 so he could be unfrozen in 2322.
Do you honestly believe his $500 (useless old world dollars) would be enough to pay for his re-animation process in the future? The answer is a resounding NO. Our paper money will be worth nothing in the future as has been the case with most outdated over circulated currency throughout history.
Wake up people, honestly.
- The only human beings they may ever consider re-animating in the future would most likely be those who made a phenomenal impact on society and on the world in general. (i.e. world renowned physicists, astronomers, Nobel laureates and possibly leaders of nations depending upon their resumes).
Even this seems highly unlikely due to the cost, man hours etc. involved and even they would most likely be reduced to lab rats or specimens to be used by future scientists. Possibly a life spent in a plexi-glass enclosure for future human beings to gaze at in awe from 9-5pm?
If you honestly believe they (whoever they may be) ,in the distant future, would take the time effort and money to re-animate your average joe? Excuse me while I shoot coffee through my nose in uncontrollable fits of laughter !
what evolved society does such a thing unless it possesses value of some sort? How are you or your brain going to make it in a future of smarter, stronger and more advanced human beings? Will you be reduced to the local freak show at the future carnival? "Come see the ignorant weakling from the past folks: Resurrected Man!"
Someone like ohhh lets say: John Jones dollar store chain and BBQ restaurant magnate of Kentucky OR Jill Holloway trust fund baby of the Wal Mart clan? Probably wouldn't make the cut unless of course they needed another guinea pig from the past to study. So those of you with questionable resumes don't count on being resurrected. We don't invest in bums today why would we in the future?!
- If you pay for such a service? You are a naive and emotionally disconnected human being of the highest order plain and simple. 2+2=4 people. This is not rocket science.
Obviously some human beings self importance, fear of death and narcissism knows no bounds (OR any form of sanity).
If you buy into this obvious scam? I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you as well ...