Comment by
ryubyss on
Thread for Sense-Making on Recent Murders and How to Sanely Respond ·
2025-02-11T19:04:04.155Z ·
LW ·
Transsexual people, let's face it, do seem to have problems than the general population. We have to deal with GD for one thing, which I know all about firsthand. Hence the term FNT (Fucking Neurotic Transsexual) that used to circulate. (Yes, I prefer for various reasons to use the out-of-favor term "transsexual".) We also have high rates of autism. Anecdotally, I think that all but a few of the autogynephilic trans women I have met have had some variety of autism.I think we have more than usual capacity to get involved in cults.
I have a lot to say about cults, generally, but will not get into it.